Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Insight into an ambitious mind

An ambitious mind always resents at the end of the day. An ambitious person always thinks as to 'what more could have been done'. A person boggling with ideas & ambitions can search for opportunities where a mediocre person sees a dead-end. When an ambitious person fails to meet his targets & goals then it's no less than a sedition which he has committed on himself.
I always think as to what a demoralised & an objective-less person has, to offer to the world. But using the word 'demoralised' is an insult to their 'unfulfilled' and 'non-achieved' ambitions. No person on this earth can survive without a motto or a mission. Your motto, fulfilled or unfulfilled, determines your path & life to the ultimate destiny. A physical ailment can hardly stop your juggernaut but it's the mental ailment which has the potential to do so.
While our ambitions may or may not be fulfilled but it's in the spirit & the quest of achieving so that determines & decodes our journey called 'LIFE'

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Conscience VS Ideology

Any regulatory power or authority when subjected to human intervention brings in the scope of bias or anti-bias. The basic characteristic of any human being is to have prejudice for any person, thought, Ideology, etc. A prejudiced man with a prejudiced mind can never have a non-partisan or an unbiased approach. The above mentioned anomaly cannot be attributed to a particular individual. It is a pan-society anomaly. Actually, calling it an anomaly is a very harsh terminology. Getting influenced by thoughts or ideas is very necessary for an individual to have a rock-solid ideology.
Firm faith in an ideology often makes a person dogmatic about certain things. But when a person plays the role of an independent arbitrator or a regulatory authority then this ideological commitment plays the spoilsport role. When a decision is influenced by ideology rather than facts, then that ideological commitment does injustice to your position & your role. An individual cannot be above an institution. Similarly, an ideology cannot be above justice. When the conscience is blinded by the cloth of ideology then it is the time for us to question our neutrality & our ability to hold any position. When the person becomes the victim of one's own ideology then that commitment is a liability rather than asset.
My point of raising this issue is to state that it is the conscience within us which has to be the final authority & not the ideological commitment. It is the rule of law & the rule of natural justice which has to prevail. Conscience has to play the role of ombudsman within us. If we allow ourselves to be prevailed upon by the ideological diktats then I am afraid that we may violate the laws of natural justice. It is the conscience which has to have the final word.
But the most gruesome attack which we face internally is the attack on our conscience. When the words & thoughts of our conscience are consistently over ruled by ideology then our conscience fails forever. When our conscience has the final say then it gets enriched as an institution. An institutionalised conscience can create wonders & allow the fine sense of justice to prevail upon us. Our commitments are the creation of our own. We can't let these ideological or other commitments to prevail upon others. Our ideology can be our guide book but it is the conscience which has to be our ultimate rule book.

Monday, 14 July 2014

When dreams play fraud with reality!

Dreams, a mystic land where we govern ourselves with our own whims & fancies. Dream is that vision document which very rarely materialises into the playground of reality. A lot has been said & written about dreams but for me dreams can be that eternal source of inspiration which everyone craves for. Dreams are permanent assets which only few have the capability to nurture. Most of them lose the will to dream after initial setbacks but only few determined souls strengthen their convictions after initial setbacks. Only few are able to translate dreams into reality but others can always use it as their source of inspiration. Not dreaming out of fear of losing is the worst approach which an individual can adopt.
Dreams reflect one's ideology & character. Our dreams notify what our thoughts are & our thoughts notify what our ideology is. Shattering of dreams doesn't generate a loud sound but it generates a throbbing pain which takes ages to subside. A shattered dream is irrevocable damage to one's thoughts & ideology. When an ideology is defeated then the survival of that person is equally questionable. Ideology is like a practical handbook for the answers to worldly questions.
Dreams are not someone's copyrights or an exclusive possession. Dreams are a creation of art. Our artistic aspect is put to test when we create a dream. Infact, history has proved time & again that it's the poor who dreams big & converts them into a hardcore reality. Basically, if ideology is a practical handbook then dreams are alphabets printed in that book.
Every shattered dream is a heinous attack on the psychological status of the person. Unfulfilled dreams create much more pain than pricking of a needle. Achieving dreams is the ultimate thing in one's life but your perseverance in trying to achieve it is the real JOY OF LIFE.
I hope we all dream & dream it really big. Our sweat is our salute to our dreams. Our pain is our respect for our dreams. Our struggle is our prayer for our dreams. An unsolved question is whether we create dreams or do dreams create us?
Whatever may be the answer, but the ultimate JOY OF LIFE is the struggle we put in to achieve our dreams.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti

Secularism! Secularism! Secularism! Secularism!
This word reverberates in the television studios like some prayer OR name of some deity. In the last 1-2 years, Congress Party had made this as their main plank against the advent of Mr. Narendra Modi. It tried to project that advent of Mr. Modi will turn India into a Hindu Pakistan. Trying to cover up their Scams, Failures, etc. they tried to make Secularism as their main shield against the growing popularity of Mr. Modi.
Being secular lies at the core of every indian nationalist. India is a nation which sheltered the persecuted parsis. While the world may have been hostile towards them but India has provided them the much needed relief & comfort. The Hindu ideology which professes the concept of "Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti" has made India into a all accepting sea which allows all the rivers to flow into it. A true nationalist hindu believes that all the religion are true which ultimately lead us to the divine force which drives the universe. Secularism is not something alien to indian society but it's something interwoven in our social fabric. Secularism has been our identity since time immemorial.
This debate around secularism is not the result of some change in our mindsets. But the reason behind this debate is the discrimination which has been meted out to the majority community. The political class which tried their minority appeasement politics for political gains have done a severe damage to India's social fabric. This discrimination against the majority class has made the majority to rethink their stand on secularism. Minority politics has ruined the nation. A true indian is secular by birth but the champions of sickularism have made him communal.
India is a all absorbing mother which has place for anyone & everyone. But we need to do away with certain political ideology which has created this divide. The Lok Sabha Elections of 2014 have given a severe blow to these champions of sickularism. But they need to be completely decimated for redeveloping India to it's earlier glory.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

When thoughts don't materialise!

If all what you think transforms into reality then world would have transformed into a Hollywood Action Film. All the Dinosaurs, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Joker, etc. would have been a reality. At one stroke of a pen or at one frivolous thought you could turnaround the world around you. In our world of dreams, we force ourself to believe certain things which fundamentally differ from the reality. But only the man amongst the boys turns that dream into a castle of reality. To satisfy ourselves we fool ourselves into believing something which doesn't exist in reality. Dream is a god gifted instrument which can be an eternal source of inspiration.
Only few determined souls are able to achieve what they dream but that satisfaction in striving to achieve what you dream differentiates men from boys. Your struggle to achieve your dreams may not be fruitful totally but it provides you with that satisfaction at the end of the day. Our dreams may not materialise into reality but our every material step taken to realise a dream enriches us. Those who struggle to make things happen are the torch-bearers of mankind. Success isn't about materialising your dreams but it's about taking concrete material steps in realising it.
My dreams haven't materialised into reality but I am more disappointed by the fact that I haven't given my 100%.