Monday, 23 June 2014

Ideological Commitment VS Ground Reality

Being committed to a particular ideology gives a moral direction to your thoughts & actions. While the applicability of the ideology in the contemporary times can be debated but the benefits of a particular commitment cannot be denied. The inconsistency in our thoughts & actions reflect our partial or total commitment deficit. But as the times change no particular ideology can have complete applicability nor do they become irrelevant. The perfect art of living is achieved by striking a perfect balance between your commitments & the ground realities.
Many great men on this earth have failed in their endeavour solely due to their rigid principles & their efforts to uphold them. In the eyes of a common man it can be called a failure. But for those committed individuals it is that moment of pride when they have testified their commitment to their ideology against odds. Getting materialistic titles & objects maybe the aim of the majority but it is in achieving that eternal peace from within that matters. It is about facing yourself in front of the mirror. It is about being accountable to yourself. It is about holding your head high. Tasting materialistic success may be the attribute of a ideology less person but the real enjoyment lies in that sacrifice when you pay heaviest of the prices to uphold your principles. Being committed to your ideology may not make you popular but it gives that sense of self-existence.
While I am not that committed but I believe that ultimate commitment to a ideology irrespective of ground realitiy is beneficial for an individual if not for the people around him.

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