Saturday, 21 June 2014

Perception-Not an Iota of Truth

Perceiving is believing. We all comprehend & believe certain things which do not exist in reality. Perception is the image of certain actions which you have taken in the past or of the words which you have spoken in the past. An individual can create an image but perception is an onlookers' creation. A vast majority of people spend their whole life trying to shed off a perception while rest others spend their life trying to create a perception. Perception is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the real persona.
Many people become victims of their perceived personalities. Especially the people who are active in public life, become the beneficiary or the victim of perceptions. The real person behind the created image can be judged only by those who know the real natural instincts of that person. An articulate speaker necessarily doesn't imply that he is an avid thinker. To express certain thoughts & to propound certain thoughts is all together a different phenomenon. The difference between kathni & karni  can be compared to image & perception. Some people have ideological opposition within themselves. So even the perceivers are confused about the real persona.
Dichotomy in ideologies often inflicts our political class who are driven more politically but less ideologically. However, there are few distinguished political personalities who are driven ideologically. But even they exhibit ideological inconsistencies.
Creating or destroying an image is much easy than creating or destroying a perception. The best test to assess ideological consistency is to gauge the difference between image & perception.
While I am too young to touch such subjects but I feel such discussions in long run can help us create & debate the real persona rather than debating preceptions.

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