Tuesday 23 December 2014

Art of being indifferent....☺

Emotions & Events are interlinked. All normal human beings are affected as well as effected by events & emotions. Hardly do we witness any change in these normal scheme of things. Effect of any emotion is always subject to its perception by the individual. No matter howsoever good or bad maybe the emotion, but its perception by the individual determines its actual effect. I don't wish to elaborate & dig into the intricacies nor do I wish to play with plethora of words or loaded terminologies.
We all know that no human is emotionally bankrupt nor is anyone a buddha that he remains unaffected by circumstances. We all have a heart that ultimately beats & bleeds for someone. The extent of emotional expressiveness of every individual is different & it can be debated. But the existence of emotions or a concept like emotion can never be debated. One of ways to be emotionally independent is to have zero perception towards any event. Now that remains a theoretical concept with no practicability. But a suave & intelligent way to be emotionally independent is to have perception which isn't guided by the nature of emotion. For example, trust deficit with a best friend can lead to sadness & worthlessness but emotional way to deal is to tell yourself that 'he didn't deserve my trust & it was my mistake to trust him'. The moot point of my argument is that don't let others invade your emotional space.
If you're subjected to some bad emotion, so be it. But develop a mechanism in yourself that tells you 'Life is all about me & myself'. It's about having a poker face outside & a beating heart inside. Happiness is a pre decision we've to make. Because if we're affected by every event then one day that element of original personality is lost. You're born as 'XYZ'. You must die as 'XYZ'. Don't let others' doings change the person in you.
It's all about being indifferent.
It's all about poker face with a beating heart...😊

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Liberalization of Thoughts

Closed minds breed narrow mindset. A well thought anecdote to this statement is the existence of customs & traditions which try to infringe upon the fundamental rights of the citizens & which are ultra vires with the constitution of India. Basically it's about the existence of extremist organizations like khaps & taliban. Existence of divergent view points is a pleasant reality which we must proudly accept. As a growing nation & a maturing democracy, we're yet to arrive at the most relevant interpretation of Article 19 & Article 25 (Freedom of Speech, Religion, Conscience, Thought, etc.). While the Honourable Supreme Court of India has strived to protect the rights of the individuals pertaining to freedom of speech, thoughts, etc. but what we must bear in mind is that it is ultimately we who're responsible for our conduct & it is we who build & create social conscience & morality.
My point of discussing this is not about the legality or what the law should be. But my conviction is that when we're bound by the shackles of self-righteousness we conveniently forget that there's nothing like absolute truth in this world. We can happily disagree with a view point. My firm belief is that we're sometimes too rigid in our outlook that we do away with the opposing viewpoint without giving it a proper thought & a reasonable consideration. In this era of economic liberalization & privatization, it's also necessary that we liberalize our thoughts. By no means I intend to say that we must liberalize our ideology. But we must liberalize our thoughts to the extent that we give opposing thoughts a proper consideration.
I believe that in a pluralistic society such as India, no person can afford to claim of being absolutely true by himself. A relative truth is a creation of prevalent socio-economic & political condition. So it's in the ultimate interest of our society that we build an attitude which serves purpose of the society as a whole & not few rigid minded individuals.

Monday 6 October 2014

Dare To Think Beyond Emotions

The focal point of any discussion about life is being happy & being successful. While both happiness & success are relative as terminologies. They have different implications & appropriations for different individuals. By & large our ambition is confined to these two adjectives.
I sincerely believe that we think more about achieving these two rather than really achieving it. We have myopic vision about these two things. I wish we had broad-spectrum definition about these two things. The mettle within us melts when we're disgruntled & disappointed by relatively small failures. The problem with disappointment is that it withholds us from thinking & aiming big. If small follies & failures disappoint us then we cannot reach beyond that last blue mountain.
Everyone of us is bounded with those shackles of mediocrity that prevents us from going beyond that self-demarcated boundary. If what people think drives us to our conclusions then we're starving ourselves from crossing that pinnacle in life. All of us have a heart within the heart which makes us subject to emotions but it's about crossing that barrier & reaching beyond.
No one is immune from emotional needs but we have to make a decision for ourselves. We have to decide as to do we want to be lifelong hostage to emotions or we want to reach beyond that last blue mountain.
It's about dreaming big, really big, magnanimous, giant, huge, enthralling, larger than life, breaking shackles of mediocrity......
Do think over it!!!

Friday 3 October 2014

An Introvert's Account......

World is a conglomeration of musicians where synchronisation of individual personalities leads to peace & harmony. I have always held a viewpoint that excellent individuals create cacophony if they don't work with perfect synchronisation. We think that we are too enlightened as individuals to guide ourselves through the tricky path of life. But everytime my attempts to meet negativity with my positivity are marred by those self righteous 'extroverts'.
An individual who isn't articulate enough to express his emotions is dubbed as 'non-entity'. The proverbial assertion that 'ultimately truth prevails' is too dogmatic & farce to be real & relevant. With deepest sense of regret I hold a viewpoint that shrewd, manipulative, appeasing & superficial sugar coated smiling individuals often paint real, true, innocent individuals as 'dumbos'.
Being an introvert, I feel that those making our mockery must realize that virtual world is afterall a real world's creation. Painting someone black doesn't deem someone black. If only virtuality was needed then whatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc. could've sufficed world's emotional needs. A fuck on the phone could've satisfied sexual desires. Kissing smiley could've done the work. If just talking good was enough then all the telephone operators would've been the most adored & admired individuals. If friendship was just about getting the work done then servants would've been our best friends. If opening our real emotions was just about bitching then with utmost regret & deep anguish I would like to affirm that 'LIFE IS NOT A REALITY SHOW'.
Life is about being frank with all your loved ones & it's about loving individuals as who they are. It's not about creating divisions within but about uniting factions within as well as outside. Our inability to express our real emotions is not as big a crime as faking false & rosy emotions.
I'm too shy a person to tell all this when I actually want to but I'm not a robot or a dumb that I don't understand what's happening around me. My inability to be emotionally articulate shouldn't be considered my emotional incompetence.
That's all what I had to express about the emotional malfunction within me due to politics being played outside.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Message to Disgruntled Indians

Yes, it's 15th August tomorrow. Like every other day, it will also have 24 hours. What makes difference to a common man is a 'holiday' on this day. For some, the day might begin with flag hoisting early in the morning & for most of them it's a 'late jagneka din'.
The news channels will air speeches of important political leaders & project it as if a speech is going to be a game changer for India. The traditional 'Bhaiyo aur Beheno'  speech hardly invoke any nationalist sentiments. Now contrast Independence day with Navratri OR Diwali. By no means, I intend to say that these festivals are inferior to our national festivals. But this sharp contrast in our attitude indicates an underlying disconnect with the national festivals. It needs an introspection as to why these festivals fail to invoke nationalist sentiments.
While our present situation may not be as good as we would've liked it to be but by no means it is indicative of our dark future. Dear friends, please understand that a nation's true test is it's capacity to overcome some compelling & enthralling circumstances. India has always stood the test of time & we have given befitting reply to our detractors. When the whole world was in the shadow of dark ignorance, it was India which enlightened the world with it's Vedic knowledge. Now all this Vedas & Mahabharata may not inspire us. But an Indian CEO heading a Multinational Company can surely be an inspiring story. Our nation is too rich in cultural & spiritual sense to be described & understood in a small writeup. Also, I don't consider myself competent that I can describe it holistically.
But with all the prevalent ills, an undisputed & uncontested fact remains that we are destined for GREATNESS. I have no doubt that we will fully comply & withstand the guiding principles of our constitution. Indians are sovereign by nature, socialist by temperament & most importantly secular by cultural. We have upheld these values since time immemorial. I have no two thoughts about our unblemished record as a cultured civilization.
To all my friends, feeling disconnected with India, I must remind them a familiar cricket phrase that 'FORM IS TEMPORARY BUT CLASS IS PERMANENT'.
I wish all of you a very happy & a committed INDEPENDENCE DAY. Today I remember a sanskrit proverb which explicitly states:-
Mother & Motherland are above heaven
I once again wish all my countrymen a very happy independence day in advance & pray for our nation's well being & prosperity.

Monday 11 August 2014

India's message to it's pessimistic citizens...

As we head for our independence day, I think we need to examine ourselves. Our examination should primarily be focused on what we, as indians, can do for our beloved nation. With all our desires & personal ambitions, a fact remains that we owe a part of our success & failure to this nation if not cent percent. All the fiery writings & speeches don't matter because their effect is limited to few hours. Similarly, celebrating the independence day & remembering the nation for one day is not important.
Celebrating independence day & being unconcerned for next 363 days(26th January) is not what independence day is about. This day is for reiterating our faith & belief in our beloved nation. I don't wish & neither do I have the capacity to attract people into my writings & speeches. But I intend to make people think about our nation is & what we can do for it.
We all admire so called 'developed' nations but what we forget is the role of it's citizens in it's development. If we really have fire in our belly to do something then I don't think a few set of bureaucrats or politicians can stop us from doing so. A nation is a reflection of it's own people. Abusing the nation for being undeveloped & bashing the authorities doesn't help our cause.
If valentine's day invokes extreme emotion than I think independence day also deserves a thought.
India is destined to be great, I don't think we can dispute that. Those abusing India for being undeveloped probably do not deserve such greatness.
I just intend to make people aware about who we are & what we can do as a nation. India will rise to pinnacle & a few loose cannons cannot stop that. We are not some foreign invaders that we consider ourselves to be different from India. We are the nation & the nation is in us.
Nothing can stop India from being great!
Your pessimism is your problem.

Sunday 3 August 2014

A Mumbai travel.....

With all the complexities & ambiguities, the only thing which remains constant for a mumbaikar, is a travel in a local train. All high profile announcements & allocations in budget hardly make a difference to everyday commuters. But what makes difference is a 'seat' in a 9AM Churchgate bound local. Hell with the fiscal deficits & retrospective taxations, the important thing is getting a 'handle' or a 'corner' in a crowded train.
Surely there is a trust deficit between a daily commuter & railway authorities. But what we must not forget is that daily almost a small sized nation travels in locals. The frequency of locals is really a matter of envy for many nations. While we may complain everyday, but an undeniable fact is "WE LOVE IT".
With all my justifiable prejudices for railways, I confess that providing services to such a large population is a no joke. Infact, locals are much more than a service providing agency, they are a second home for Borivali to Churchgate commuters. I think these commuters maybe spending less time with wife or children than what they spend with local trains.
While sex may be orgasmic but getting a seat at andheri in 9 AM local is equally exciting if not less :). Trains & Taxes are like 'You love it, You hate it, You can't ignore it!
But with all our pro & anti biases, an undisputed & undeniable fact is
:) :)

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Insight into an ambitious mind

An ambitious mind always resents at the end of the day. An ambitious person always thinks as to 'what more could have been done'. A person boggling with ideas & ambitions can search for opportunities where a mediocre person sees a dead-end. When an ambitious person fails to meet his targets & goals then it's no less than a sedition which he has committed on himself.
I always think as to what a demoralised & an objective-less person has, to offer to the world. But using the word 'demoralised' is an insult to their 'unfulfilled' and 'non-achieved' ambitions. No person on this earth can survive without a motto or a mission. Your motto, fulfilled or unfulfilled, determines your path & life to the ultimate destiny. A physical ailment can hardly stop your juggernaut but it's the mental ailment which has the potential to do so.
While our ambitions may or may not be fulfilled but it's in the spirit & the quest of achieving so that determines & decodes our journey called 'LIFE'

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Conscience VS Ideology

Any regulatory power or authority when subjected to human intervention brings in the scope of bias or anti-bias. The basic characteristic of any human being is to have prejudice for any person, thought, Ideology, etc. A prejudiced man with a prejudiced mind can never have a non-partisan or an unbiased approach. The above mentioned anomaly cannot be attributed to a particular individual. It is a pan-society anomaly. Actually, calling it an anomaly is a very harsh terminology. Getting influenced by thoughts or ideas is very necessary for an individual to have a rock-solid ideology.
Firm faith in an ideology often makes a person dogmatic about certain things. But when a person plays the role of an independent arbitrator or a regulatory authority then this ideological commitment plays the spoilsport role. When a decision is influenced by ideology rather than facts, then that ideological commitment does injustice to your position & your role. An individual cannot be above an institution. Similarly, an ideology cannot be above justice. When the conscience is blinded by the cloth of ideology then it is the time for us to question our neutrality & our ability to hold any position. When the person becomes the victim of one's own ideology then that commitment is a liability rather than asset.
My point of raising this issue is to state that it is the conscience within us which has to be the final authority & not the ideological commitment. It is the rule of law & the rule of natural justice which has to prevail. Conscience has to play the role of ombudsman within us. If we allow ourselves to be prevailed upon by the ideological diktats then I am afraid that we may violate the laws of natural justice. It is the conscience which has to have the final word.
But the most gruesome attack which we face internally is the attack on our conscience. When the words & thoughts of our conscience are consistently over ruled by ideology then our conscience fails forever. When our conscience has the final say then it gets enriched as an institution. An institutionalised conscience can create wonders & allow the fine sense of justice to prevail upon us. Our commitments are the creation of our own. We can't let these ideological or other commitments to prevail upon others. Our ideology can be our guide book but it is the conscience which has to be our ultimate rule book.

Monday 14 July 2014

When dreams play fraud with reality!

Dreams, a mystic land where we govern ourselves with our own whims & fancies. Dream is that vision document which very rarely materialises into the playground of reality. A lot has been said & written about dreams but for me dreams can be that eternal source of inspiration which everyone craves for. Dreams are permanent assets which only few have the capability to nurture. Most of them lose the will to dream after initial setbacks but only few determined souls strengthen their convictions after initial setbacks. Only few are able to translate dreams into reality but others can always use it as their source of inspiration. Not dreaming out of fear of losing is the worst approach which an individual can adopt.
Dreams reflect one's ideology & character. Our dreams notify what our thoughts are & our thoughts notify what our ideology is. Shattering of dreams doesn't generate a loud sound but it generates a throbbing pain which takes ages to subside. A shattered dream is irrevocable damage to one's thoughts & ideology. When an ideology is defeated then the survival of that person is equally questionable. Ideology is like a practical handbook for the answers to worldly questions.
Dreams are not someone's copyrights or an exclusive possession. Dreams are a creation of art. Our artistic aspect is put to test when we create a dream. Infact, history has proved time & again that it's the poor who dreams big & converts them into a hardcore reality. Basically, if ideology is a practical handbook then dreams are alphabets printed in that book.
Every shattered dream is a heinous attack on the psychological status of the person. Unfulfilled dreams create much more pain than pricking of a needle. Achieving dreams is the ultimate thing in one's life but your perseverance in trying to achieve it is the real JOY OF LIFE.
I hope we all dream & dream it really big. Our sweat is our salute to our dreams. Our pain is our respect for our dreams. Our struggle is our prayer for our dreams. An unsolved question is whether we create dreams or do dreams create us?
Whatever may be the answer, but the ultimate JOY OF LIFE is the struggle we put in to achieve our dreams.

Friday 11 July 2014

Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti

Secularism! Secularism! Secularism! Secularism!
This word reverberates in the television studios like some prayer OR name of some deity. In the last 1-2 years, Congress Party had made this as their main plank against the advent of Mr. Narendra Modi. It tried to project that advent of Mr. Modi will turn India into a Hindu Pakistan. Trying to cover up their Scams, Failures, etc. they tried to make Secularism as their main shield against the growing popularity of Mr. Modi.
Being secular lies at the core of every indian nationalist. India is a nation which sheltered the persecuted parsis. While the world may have been hostile towards them but India has provided them the much needed relief & comfort. The Hindu ideology which professes the concept of "Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti" has made India into a all accepting sea which allows all the rivers to flow into it. A true nationalist hindu believes that all the religion are true which ultimately lead us to the divine force which drives the universe. Secularism is not something alien to indian society but it's something interwoven in our social fabric. Secularism has been our identity since time immemorial.
This debate around secularism is not the result of some change in our mindsets. But the reason behind this debate is the discrimination which has been meted out to the majority community. The political class which tried their minority appeasement politics for political gains have done a severe damage to India's social fabric. This discrimination against the majority class has made the majority to rethink their stand on secularism. Minority politics has ruined the nation. A true indian is secular by birth but the champions of sickularism have made him communal.
India is a all absorbing mother which has place for anyone & everyone. But we need to do away with certain political ideology which has created this divide. The Lok Sabha Elections of 2014 have given a severe blow to these champions of sickularism. But they need to be completely decimated for redeveloping India to it's earlier glory.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

When thoughts don't materialise!

If all what you think transforms into reality then world would have transformed into a Hollywood Action Film. All the Dinosaurs, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Joker, etc. would have been a reality. At one stroke of a pen or at one frivolous thought you could turnaround the world around you. In our world of dreams, we force ourself to believe certain things which fundamentally differ from the reality. But only the man amongst the boys turns that dream into a castle of reality. To satisfy ourselves we fool ourselves into believing something which doesn't exist in reality. Dream is a god gifted instrument which can be an eternal source of inspiration.
Only few determined souls are able to achieve what they dream but that satisfaction in striving to achieve what you dream differentiates men from boys. Your struggle to achieve your dreams may not be fruitful totally but it provides you with that satisfaction at the end of the day. Our dreams may not materialise into reality but our every material step taken to realise a dream enriches us. Those who struggle to make things happen are the torch-bearers of mankind. Success isn't about materialising your dreams but it's about taking concrete material steps in realising it.
My dreams haven't materialised into reality but I am more disappointed by the fact that I haven't given my 100%.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Caste based politics-India's Cancer

I don't know what would have been Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's reaction had he been alive today. But I can definitely say that caste based politics wasn't something which Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar espoused for. The so-called messiah's of the backward castes have made these castes a permanent vote bank for themselves. I can say with assurance that this is not something which Dr. Ambedkar liked. The inital reservation for SCs & STs for a period of 10 years was something logical & understandable.
Our constitution makes it abundantly clear that the people will not be discriminated on the caste lines. But under the garb of backwardness, these messiah's have been fooling the people for petty political gains.
If the people are backward then it is due to economic reasons & not because of their caste. Even if reservations are necessary then it has to be done on economic grounds. Why are the economically challenged upper caste people not given reservation? Why are the financially rich lower caste people still given undue benefits? Why caste is the parameter for measuring backwardness?
I believe these politicians have got to do nothing with the backwardness. They have reduced the so-called backward castes to a mere voting generating machine for themselves. If there has been a historical injustice to lower castes then counter-injustice to upper caste can't be the solution. Mandal politics has seriously reduced the importance of meritocracy. If everything were to be determined by caste then no need to worry for business because you can follow only your traditional caste business.
It's high time that we turn our blind eye to this gross injustice. The messiah's of backwardness have disturbed the social cycle & made injustice a commonly accepted phenomenon.
It's time to think as one nation, one people. I don't understand why we are still driven by the century old caste based diktats.
It's the time for new india to rise above such illegitimate discrimination.

The Forgotten Art of Disagreeing

Either a person will disagree or he has ceased to think. Two human beings having exactly the same opinions on every issue is something very rare, almost impossible. Differences of opinion is a proof that we still have a functional brain.
We often face a situation wherein we disagree on a certain issue. Divergent opinion always gives us an opportunity to revaluate our opinion. It gives us an insight as to where we may have erred. I firmly believe that respecting a divergent opinion compounds your respect in your opponent's mind. Changing your opinion after re-examining it will not hurt your ego but will compound your respect.
Having said all that, a fact cannot be denied that disagreement on certain issues is a reality. Disagreeing with someone is not an issue but the method of conveying it is a major issue. Just to blindly disagree with someone reduces the authenticity of your opinion. Your worst ever disagreement can be conveyed in the best possible language. It is this eloquence that makes the difference. To refuse a request is not wrong but to display your ego while refusing it is something wrong. To disagree on certain issue & to take it at a personal level are two different things. We may disagree with certain views of a person but atleast respect him.
Blindly opposing something without examining it can only create damage at both the ends. To all my friends & foes, I may disagree with your thoughts & opinions but I very much respect you as a person. I expect this respect to be mutual.
An opinion can be criticised but a person cannot be criticised for just a divergent opinion. Think over it!

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Movements, Agitations, Demonstrations, Strikes, Wars, Insurgency, Unrest, Emergency, Infiltration, LOC Violations, etc. the list goes on & on. Such heavily loaded words & terminologies often reverberate in television studios & so-called intellectual discussions. These words are of no use to a common 1BHK householder with 2-3 Lakh package, ofcourse, with all the VAT, CST & TDS, etc. These words add to the misery of such individuals. All the great monarchs & kings with all the grandeur & respect that they commanded were finally made up of what HINDU ideology calls it "PANCHTATVA". We all are made of these PANCHTATVA & will finally leave this earth leaving ashes.
The beginning of 20th century saw a sporadic rise in the concept of nation-building. It saw rise of feudal & autocratic powers. In the name of nation building, most of the feudal powers have shown to the world the ugly side of mankind. While everyone espouses for a strong nation but that 'holier than thou' feeling creeps in.
In this process of nation building, we have forgotten the HINDU ideology of 'VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBHAKAM'. A HINDU is a true HINDU only if he believes in true secularism not sickularism. No one enjoys riots & chaos. The feeling of world being a single family can occur universally only if it is reciprocal. I firmly believe that every nation has the right to safe-guard its interest but infringing upon someone else's interest is absolutely uncalled for. HINDU ideology always espouses for 'world as a single family' concept. But espousing this concept doesn't take away our right to protect ourself.
If all the nations, religions, castes, ethnic groups, minorities, embrace this concept then definitely conflicts can be avoided & resolved amicably. But the only point is that this feeling has to be universal & reciprocal.
While I am no big person that my comments can make a difference but I write this with only belief that someday 'VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBHAKAM' will become a reality.
With all my ideological differences I will like to quote a saintly person Mahatma Gandhi who said "World has enough for everyone's need not for everyone's greed". This statement summarises entire concept of 'VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBHAKAM'.

Monday 23 June 2014

Controlling Infatuations

Every individual is inflicted by emotions. It is very natural to have emotions & not having them is being abnormal. It is this emotional bonding which makes core foundation for all the human relations. As an individual we are also attached to non living substances forget friends & relatives. All the emotions compounded together form a dynamic equilibrium.Everyday there are instances where we are angry, sad, happy, etc. but the equilibrium in us maintains the emotional balance.
Teenage-an age characterised by emotional imbalance. The upsurge of hormones coupled with a pressure peer group worsens this equilibrium. We all have infatuations which no one can deny. It is part & parcel of growing up. While most of us happily & temporarily enjoy this momentary phase of so-called LOVE but I am afraid that some of our friends get carried away by this. If love stories & couples were to be made at the age of 14-15, then I don't think our parents & teachers were fools to stop us. But that innate control over this temporary phase is the most important thing. There are much more important things in our life. Getting trapped in this web of temporary emotions doesn't pay. Equilibrium in emotions is the most important thing. Don't fool yourself into believing something which doesn't exist. If there is real substance in your love then it will remain even if you don't follow it. God has designed certain tasks for certain ages. This is not the age to get swayed away by temporary emotions. This is the age to build career & do great things.
Think my dear friends.
I am writing this with fully sense of responsibility & thinking a hell over it.

Darwin's Law in Social Context

Violation of any natural law increases the social entropy. Some laws don't have a domain like science, arts, commerce, sports, etc. Universality is the trademark of such laws. Newton's law of action & reaction OR law of motion & inertia are equally applicable in all aspects of life. Some social transformations or events which prima facie seem impossible can be explained by such laws. The arabic revolution in the past 1-2 years of Egypt, etc. can be explained by action reaction theory. Prima facie it seems impossible that a monarchical rule of 30 years can be overthrown by 11 days of struggle.
Darwin's famous Theory of Evolution has two major laws "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" and "STRUGGLE FOR EXISTANCE". A person is born as an individual & dies as an individual. While some are naturally born in conducive environments (rich people) others have to adapt themselves & struggle to maintain themselves in the everyday evolving world (poor people). Howsoever, one may be rich but at the end everyone has to struggle. Every individual thrives to uplift himself or atleast maintain a status quo. Even the rich class suffers from an anxiety & the greed of more money & power. Our struggle is the proof of a natural universal law governing the entire universe. We, in our individual capacity maybe defying some notions & traditions but at the end, it is the nature which decides our sustainability & success. The real cause of this entire exercise remains unanswered by the highest intellectuals. But we arrive, we live, we struggle, we perish. Ultimately, even the most powerful person just turns out to be nature's yet another product.
As Swami Vivekananda puts it "Even stones, trees, etc. come into existence & perish. If you have come over here then leave some mark behind". While the supremacy of Darwin's Law remains unchallenged but as we are already into this game of life, lets leave some mark behind. Our everyday struggle is our mark of respect for the nature. Our struggle ensures the continuity of the universe. Our movement to prove nature wrong within limits itself proves the supremacy of the nature. But our illegitimate actions against the law of natural justice can undo us within no time. A tsunami OR a earthquake doesn't discriminate between the rich & the poor nor does it discriminate the boss from an employee.

Ideological Commitment VS Ground Reality

Being committed to a particular ideology gives a moral direction to your thoughts & actions. While the applicability of the ideology in the contemporary times can be debated but the benefits of a particular commitment cannot be denied. The inconsistency in our thoughts & actions reflect our partial or total commitment deficit. But as the times change no particular ideology can have complete applicability nor do they become irrelevant. The perfect art of living is achieved by striking a perfect balance between your commitments & the ground realities.
Many great men on this earth have failed in their endeavour solely due to their rigid principles & their efforts to uphold them. In the eyes of a common man it can be called a failure. But for those committed individuals it is that moment of pride when they have testified their commitment to their ideology against odds. Getting materialistic titles & objects maybe the aim of the majority but it is in achieving that eternal peace from within that matters. It is about facing yourself in front of the mirror. It is about being accountable to yourself. It is about holding your head high. Tasting materialistic success may be the attribute of a ideology less person but the real enjoyment lies in that sacrifice when you pay heaviest of the prices to uphold your principles. Being committed to your ideology may not make you popular but it gives that sense of self-existence.
While I am not that committed but I believe that ultimate commitment to a ideology irrespective of ground realitiy is beneficial for an individual if not for the people around him.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Perception-Not an Iota of Truth

Perceiving is believing. We all comprehend & believe certain things which do not exist in reality. Perception is the image of certain actions which you have taken in the past or of the words which you have spoken in the past. An individual can create an image but perception is an onlookers' creation. A vast majority of people spend their whole life trying to shed off a perception while rest others spend their life trying to create a perception. Perception is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the real persona.
Many people become victims of their perceived personalities. Especially the people who are active in public life, become the beneficiary or the victim of perceptions. The real person behind the created image can be judged only by those who know the real natural instincts of that person. An articulate speaker necessarily doesn't imply that he is an avid thinker. To express certain thoughts & to propound certain thoughts is all together a different phenomenon. The difference between kathni & karni  can be compared to image & perception. Some people have ideological opposition within themselves. So even the perceivers are confused about the real persona.
Dichotomy in ideologies often inflicts our political class who are driven more politically but less ideologically. However, there are few distinguished political personalities who are driven ideologically. But even they exhibit ideological inconsistencies.
Creating or destroying an image is much easy than creating or destroying a perception. The best test to assess ideological consistency is to gauge the difference between image & perception.
While I am too young to touch such subjects but I feel such discussions in long run can help us create & debate the real persona rather than debating preceptions.

Friday 20 June 2014


In my opinion, there are few aspects of human behaviour which are very difficult to comment upon. But in our day-to-day dealings, we forget to observe ourselves. We don't understand as to when do we cross the limit. A very thin line separates self-believe/self-pride from ego. While trying to assert the superiority of our view-point we often tend to disrespect the counter-point. It is very human to get emotional when your core ideology is challenged. Trying to maintain calm at that point of time while respecting the counter view is what Statesmanship is all about.
The human weakness of self-righteousness often inflicts the ideological committed personalities. But a spokesperson of a particular ideology becomes statesman when he overcomes the disease of self-righteousness. Most men never attain that state. Most of the issues are created by such semi-cooked ideological personalities. While I admit to the fact that I get offended when my ideology is challenged, but I believe it is still the maturing phase for all of us.
The most cruel form of ideological incompetency is getting personal with someone when you harbour ideological differences. I can claim to be fairly isolated of this vice.
But Ego & Self Belief are two things which are yet so close & yet so far. It's in the ultimate interest of the society that we accept ideological differences & move along.

Friday 13 June 2014

Handling Gross Ideological Differences

Ideologies, make or break a person. Unity in diversity is the enshrined principle of our constitution. But that diversity is not about language, food, clothing, etc. It is about gross differences in the attitudes towards common situations. Intolerance towards poles apart ideologies reflects your incomplete faith in your ideology. I always believe that your ideological opponent gets weakened by your indifferent attitude towards his ideology. Having ideological differences is a proof that god has created minds which function in different ways. We need to respect that differences.
Simple day-to-day instances reflect your ideology quotient. For example, if you believe that reading book is better than watching a movie then to criticise someone for the latter option reflects your ideological inconsistency. Its about striking that perfect balance between defending your thoughts & not disrespecting the other. Its about criticising the view but respecting the person. To take ideological differences at personal level reveals your incomplete faith in your own ideology. I always try to defend my ideology but there is a very thin line differentiating defence & offence. An offensive ideological opponent never deserves any reply. Ideological difference is something to be cherished about & not to be intolerant about.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Isolation-Falsely Implicated Phenomenon

Man is a social animal. This is the first sentence of every civics textbook & in all the grades. While socialising is a pivotal feature of human society, it is a fact which cannot be denied. Socialising, often booms out of the fear of isolation. There are very few people who are high on social quotient & have natural socialising tendencies. The vast majority of others develop this art as an instinctive reply to the fear of isolation. But the most important question out here is "WHY FEAR ISOLATION? "
Isolation has been conferred as something demonic in nature. Isolation, in my opinion helps you to discover the you in yourself. I think isolation is that state wherein, you have the freedom to pursue yourself endlessly. With no social compulsions, you touch the new pinnacles of your persona. I have realised & experienced the wonders of isolation. It develops within you that inner strength to face the world at large without buckling under social compulsions. It helps to develop that core ideology which can resist the winds of ideological brainwashing. You can defend your view points with that severity which your opposition can never think of.
But despite my bias towards isolation one cannot forget the natural instinct of being social. If you have infinite strength to grow in isolation then it can also make you surrender to the society. You can lose that inner strength if you aren't able to withstand social pressures. But to see isolation as a complete demonic manifestation will be an insult to few individuals like me who have experienced its benefits.
While acknowledging its pros & cons, it ultimately depends upon how one perceives the circumstances rather than the actual circumstances.

Friday 6 June 2014

Trap of Mediocrity

You can't succeed if you aren't driven by your aspirations. Well, this sentence may sound like some rhetoric of a motivational speaker but the actual substance to this sentence is far more than what we perceive it to be. The difference between so-called successful & unsuccessful people is their uncanny heart-burning desire to succeed. We all begin our aspirational stories with the slogans of meritocracy but most of us fall in the trap of mediocrity. There is a very thin separating mediocrity & meritocracy. Instant success kills the burning desire in a mediocre person or instant failure deters the mediocre person to pursue his dreams further. By aiming for small & instant success we often miss the larger picture. I don't believe that there is an ocean of difference between an ordinary & extraordinary person. But its that small difference in speaking, an extra element of grace, a perfect shade of perfection, an holistic approach to a simple issue that creates the big difference between them. Being mediocre is natural but defying that is what creates the marvel within a person. I don't think that all men are born great(though some are) but its that shear desire to reach the pinnacle that separates the jewel amongst the stones.
Burning desire for success, may not necessarily give you success but it will definitely give you that deep sense of satisfaction. An inner satisfaction that no amount of thrusted greatness can give. I also believe that being over-ambitious without being practical about the ground realities can be the greatest reason for disappointment. Having more ambition is as good as gambling big. With higher ambitions your probability to succeed also decreases proportionately.
Ultimately its all about being satisfied from within. Mediocrity or No-Mediocrity, its all about what you think you are doing right. Mediocrity is a worldly term used to describe certain parameters but it's that shear inner self belief that matters. I try to follow only one thing. By doing so I may have erred in worldly terms but I am able to stand myself in front of the mirror.
The thing which I follow is
I hope you get the difference.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Decoding Success

Only those succeed who aren't afraid of failure. While a whole lot of such inspiring quotes hardly transform into substantial success. But many who attempt to follow this end up being bullied by innumerable failures. As I write this, I feel I am grossly incompetent to comment on this subject as I have seen only one side of the coin-failure. Success doesn't have a complex einstein type of formula but it has that majestic touch of simplicity. I don't think that complex brains with rocket science can succeed as much as a person with some determined set of ideas. We often believe that thinking too much can simplify the matter but it often complicates it. Similarly, writing & speaking about success complicates its achievement.
Success in my definition is "PURSUING AN IDEA RELENTLESSLY". The gradation of success can be done on the basis of the extent upto which you are able to pursue an idea.
Without writing much on this subject, I believe that you & me must hit the ground running without wasting time.
Work! Work! Work! Work!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Indecisiveness-Plethora of Problems

Being in two minds is being mindless. As they say that its not about taking right decisions but about making them right. I always believe that not taking any decision is worst then taking a wrong one. It is always advisable to do something & be wrong rather than being wrong without doing anything. Indecisiveness stems out of fear of being wrong. Indecisiveness ultimately makes the person a victim of circumstances. By being indecisive we make ourselves vulnerable to people & circumstances around us. The root cause of any ills in a man & society is its vulnerability to external environment. By letting the circumstances prevail upon oneself we kill the innate decision taking capacity within us.
But being indecisive is a sort of natural tendency within us. We always want homeostasis without any internal adjustments. Indecisiveness strangulates the person within our body. As our former PM Narsimha Rao once famously said "Not taking a decision is itself a decision" shows how we submit ourselves to the circumstances. I always believe that our brain doesn't let us to settle down at any conclusion inspite of lacking options. With all the analysis that goes into taking of a decision ultimately our mind still haunts us with the fear of failure.
The main reason why UPA Government lost the mandate was due to its indecisiveness. With many pending projects & unclear policies, the government never cared to take a decision. In our life, we care about being right or wrong but we never care about being ourselves. The biggest cause of any misery is our surrendering to the circumstances. The greatest irony is to suffer from a problem inspite of knowing its cause & treatment. Indecisiveness is the biggest example of mental blockage within our mind.
While we all struggle from this problem but remember that it's only we who can deal with it.

Thursday 8 May 2014


The world just experienced the greatest electoral exercise in the history of mankind. Tomorrow we will come to know the results of this grand exercise. But the elections of 2014 have really galvanised the youth of India. They have made them reaffirm their faith in the bright future of India. In recent years,  elections in India have brought more pessimism than optimism. But the elections of 2014 have sparked that ray of hope in the minds of disgruntled indians. While how much of that hope culminates into reality is for the political class of India to answer but these elections have witnessed unprecedented electoral participation. With all the ills of the political class of India, survival of democracy is the proof of how strongly we believe in democracy. Post-Emergency election results were a tight slap on the face of those people undermining Indian Democracy & Indian population.
Whatever the results may be but the underlying outcome of the elections is the victory of the indian electorate. The enthusiasm amongst the 1st time voters & optimism amongst the senior citizens is the ultimate proof of our bright future. Elections are more about participation & less about pessimism. The resounding debates about national issues during elections, the views & counter-views, the sense of being Indian are all the positive takes of a typical indian election. Elections are those events where our "INDIANESS" manifests itself. Young indians participating in large numbers is a sign of healthy & vibrant democracy. While tomorrow we will know whether Mr. Modi has been successful in convincing Indian voters BUT certainly I can say that INDIA has won. YOU HAVE WON.
More do I discuss & debate national issues more does my indianess manifests. I hope you all also experience the same. I have made up my mind to be more vibrant & well-informed about the national issues. I hope you all have also made up your minds for the same.
I can assert with certainty that Lok Sabha Elections are as good a festival as a HOLI OR DIWALI is.

Friday 2 May 2014


Birds flying in the sky & thoughts flowing in the brain are often directionless. While travelling through the mystic land of thoughts, I have realised that ultimately our mind rules us. I believe that thinking is manifestation of the subtle inputs which our subconscious mind receives. We never create a thought but we generate it. The effects of any event can be gradual or spontaneous. Thoughts of unknown origin are nothing but the gradual effect of any event which our mind has witnessed. Subconsciously our brain witnesses many events which our conscious brain refuses to acknowledge.
Subconscious exposure to any evil event is the input for an evil thought. As Swami Vivekananda puts it "Be careful about what you think because your thoughts become your action". The greatest test of mental strength is the resistance which our brain can apply to such an evil exposure. While exposure to any event may not be in voluntary control but the thought generation thereafter is definitely the indicator of our mental strength. The development of any ideology is nothing but consolidation of particular set of thoughts in our mind. When the ideology is consolidated beyond a point, the rational approach to any thought takes a backseat. Thinking is a two sided sword. While thinking with open mind can act as auto-correction mechanism, similarly, vice versa can create an havoc. Closed minded ideologies have often created bloodsheds & pogroms.
To consolidate any set of thoughts without questioning its bonafides can often create irrational events. At the same time, being swayed away by any thought can make one indecisive & incompetent. The main thing is to strike a balance between both & ultimately act in accordance with the society. The ultimate goal of human race is to be HUMANS 1st.
I rest my opinion for people to decide their thoughts & act accordingly.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Because India Deserves Better

As we head into the arithmetic & chemistry of next government formation, I feel the core issues of development & job creation have taken a back seat. The enthusiasm & vigour amongst the new age voters signifies the undercurrent for a better change. We often tend to believe that urban citizens are more enlightened. But the voting percentage contrast in rural & urban areas shows the urban elite it's true standing. Respecting & reciprocating to democracy is our duty 1st & right 2nd. The only way things can change is by active electoral participation & not morcha type behaviour. I believe voting should be made compulsory to enhance the role of public participation in democracy.
Having said all that, the sole purpose of our electoral participation is our quest for more civic comforts we deserve. Government & Governance are not meant to distribute freebies but provide essential opportunities for the well being of the society. Our preamble states "We, the people of India....." but I feel we are more gripped by the feeling of ME rather than WE. I feel things change & by mere pessimism we are heading for further downfall. I still strongly believe in our idea of India. As Swami Vivekananda puts it "WE ARE DESTINED FOR A GREAT FUTURE". People may think that my thoughts are mere rhetoric but my belief in our greatness will never cease to exist. My conviction to the core has made be to believe that 21st century belongs to India. I believe in VASUDHAIV KUTUMBH. I can see mother india making her mark on the world.
Don't make the mistake of rejecting my thoughts as rhetoric emotional outflow. I & my indians are here to re embark on your past glory & set the terms for the future.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Relativity of Truth

Human civilisation has spent centuries trying to find the absolute truth. The events & precedents which were considered to be true, are now being challenged radically. I often think that have we evolved in our thinking or have the things around us changed? Old beliefs & rituals are constantly being challenged in the name of intellect.
In this commotion & chaos we have missed the underline ethos of Ethics & principles. We have progressed enough to fly high in the space but equations of human relations have taken a hit. We may claim to have reached Moon & Mars but in the process we have reached tenterhooks of life & emotions.
By stating all this I do not intend to undermine the achievements of 21st century generation but I am point out the treasured past which we have lost in achieving this. Development in holistic terms should definitely include the inter personal relations. I strongly recommend & believe in the age old vedic proposition "Vasudhaiv Kutumbh" and "Sar Panth Sambhav".
With every passing day we have to come to terms that distances in miles are decreasing BUT distances in smiles are increasing. Whatsapp may have made communication faster but the inner connectivity between the people has decreased. After reaching the pinnacle of materialistic success, great men have realised that happiness is not in complex & complicated gadgetry but in touching the tender core of emotions. I do not mean that we go back to the age bullocks BUT lets not get trapped in this wires & buttons.

Friday 24 January 2014


As we celebrate our 65th Republic Day, I wish to share my thoughts & feelings about the SUPREME DOCUMENT OF INDIA, THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION. Much has been said & debated about the Indian Constitution & its various aspects, We are no one to challenge the work of our founding fathers. But I certainly believe that changing times do call for a review of our constitution without touching upon its FUNDAMENTAL & BASIC TENANTS.
The Indian Constitution is the guiding force & principle for the working of the Largest Democracy of the World. The Fundamental Rights enshrined in our Constitution are the basic human rights which give LIFE to our LIVES. The Biggest Gift which we have got after independence is THE RIGHT TO PROTEST PEACEFULLY. I firmly believe that Opposition & Protest are more fundamental than anything enshrined in our Constitution. The Right to Protest & oppose serve as the soul of our Constitution because no Country can grow without a vibrant Democracy. The Emergency of 1975 has proved that without the active check of the Opposition how a DEMOCRACRY CAN TURN INTO AUTOCRACY OVERNIGHT. Those Black Days of Indian Democracy remind us to fight for our rights & be vigilant & vibrant in our democracy. I personally believe that defeat of Congress in 1977 Elections was a people's victory & triumph of Democracy over Autocracy.
The Constitution of India in those days was nothing more than merely a piece of document. Those events reitrate the importance of Opposition in a Democracy. Another important event with regard to Indian Constitution is the famous KESHVANAND BHARTI CASE. That case was yet again a triumph of ConstitutionTHE SUPREME COUT OF INDIA in that case very correctly decided that PARLIAMENT IS NOT ABOVE CONSTITUTION. It again upheld the principle of sovereignty of the Constitution & limited the amending powers of the Constitution. Every pillar of democracy i.e. LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIARY, EXECUTIVE are equally important & the most important is THE CONSTITUTION which is the guiding force of these three.
The Right to Speech & Express opinion is again a boon of Indian Constitution wherein we are empowered to express our views & oppose someone's views. But the sad part of this right is that people tend to oppose the person & not the view in the name of this right. As we are yet to mature as a democracy we sometimes tend to misuse this right. People must realise that Constitution has given us the Right to Speech & not the Right to Abuse. I am optimistic that as we move ahead in our journey of democracy we will very soon realise the correct usage of this law.
As the owner of this Nation, It is the duty as well as the right of every citizen to follow the SUPREME BOOK OF INDIA. We have our own share of flaws but that must not deter us from marching ahead in our path of democracy. Ultimately it is for the people of India to decide as to in which type of India do they want to live.
At the end I would just like to express My Idea of India